Mya Aye and Eh Pay met in a refugee camp in Thailand. After having their two sons, Aye Kaw Mu (17 years old), and Tha Shee (15 years old), they wanted to find a more stable and safe future for their children and sought help in relocating to Chapel Hill.

Having been in the area for six years now, their rising rental rates are causing their living expenses to be unobtainable. The family currently resides in a cramped two bedroom apartment in downtown Chapel Hill where the teenage boys share a bed and a room with their Aunt who relocated to the area with their family. “We are very excited for our parents to own a home and have some space for ourselves. I can’t wait to decorate my room!” says Tha Shee.

Both children have aspirations to go onto college and enjoy creating fine art in their free time, such as, ceramics and drawing. This new home will provide a stable foundation with more space for them to grow and learn and pursue their dreams!

Mya Aye is a housekeeper at the Carolina Inn and Eh Pay is a housekeeper for Carrboro High School. They both enjoy their jobs and are excited to own a safe and stable home so close to their places of work.