Join us for the 26th annual House Party on November 3!

Building Pride: Join us on September 14

August 20, 2024

We are excited to continue our Building Pride initiative for a second year! We will be hosting our third Pride Build and Lunch and Learn on Saturday, September 14, and would love for you to join us for the morning and/or afternoon build shift and Lunch and Learn from 12 – 1 pm.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The Lunch and Learn will feature Charlie Baber and Asya Coles, clergy from University United Methodist Church, speaking about the importance of inclusion in sacred spaces. They will facilitate an engaging discussion, offering thought-provoking questions to deepen the conversation. A limited number of Baber’s graphic novel, Incompatible: How the Church Cast Out LGBTQ Christians and Where We Go Next, will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Orange Habitat has spent the past year developing Building Pride, an initiative to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ and TGNC (trans and gender nonconforming) individuals when accessing housing and to build connections across lines of difference in the community.  As a pilot partner of the Team Up Project, Orange Habitat collaborated with 31 communities across the country, who were awarded funding to engage in bridge-building activities. Along with YMCA, Catholic Charities USA, and Interfaith America, Habitat for Humanity International is a founding partner of Team Up.

Click here to sign up for these events.