Join us for the 26th annual House Party on November 3!



Affordable housing, as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), means a household pays no more than 30% of their income for housing costs like rent, mortgage, and utilities. As the housing costs in Orange County rise, many residents are being forced out of the community to find housing that is affordable for them. 

of your income should go toward housing costs

At Habitat, our goal is to support mortgage-ready residents who are looking to buy their first home.  As we work to eliminate barriers to a more financially stable life, we ensure mortgages are affordable for each applicant’s income. Typically, our loans are low-interest with a 30-to-40-year term. We provide homebuyers with the coaching, education, and support to be successful throughout the homebuying journey.  We foster community engagement which empowers homebuyers to be the voice to continue to strengthen the fabric of our community. 

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Meet a Homeowner



Tabitha and Jason

See Where Habitat Has Built!

Learn more about the communities Orange Habitat has built since 1984.